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2009-04-22 17:35:40
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Something Interesting

Welcome! Here are the rules: Everyone writes one fact (something interesting or something stupid) and signs their name at the end of it. Add your fact at the end of the list for interesting or stupid depending on, well, if it's interesting or stupid. Note that you may only pick one fact. Enjoy this wiki and spread the news so we can reach everyone on Elftown and build up thousands of facts, both interesting and stupid.


Something Interesting

America has spent over 8 trillion dollars in the gulf and still spending.

The cleanest part of your body is the eye.
[Things Changed]

Although having 6 fingers on one hand is rare, the gene that causes it is actually the dominant one while the 5 finger gene is recessive.

Nobody knows where Mozart is buried.

In Japan, you have to sign a waiver before you eat fugu sushi. It is so toxic that many people have died from eating it poorly prepared.

Pablo Picasso's full name is Pablito Diego Jose Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiniano de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco y Picasso Lopez. How's that for a mouthful for the substitute teachers in high school?

A capon is a castrated rooster.
[Obsidian Tears]

Casu marzu (A.K.A maggot cheese) is used in many religous retuals and also is thought to have a sense a healing quality about it.
[princess_ of _darkness]

The longest word in the English language is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"(try to pronounce it...), an inflammatory lung disease caused by the inhalation of fine silica or quartz dust.

Dolphins in the river Indus sleep for only seconds at a time - whereas we sleep for 6-8 hours at a time.
[Duke Devlin]

You don't smell ammonia. Instead, it works directly on your pain sinews. Thus the foul nature of the chemical.
[Blood Raven]

Most lipsticks contain fish scales.

The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.

Rats are genetically susceptible to all forms of cancer from the day they're born, and have been for thousands of years. In fact, more rats die from cancer than any other reason.
[The Black Cat in Your Path]

Elvis Presley loved guns and had a very fiery temper. This bad combonation forced him to put a blank round in the gun so that if he blew his top, he wouldn't blow the top off his offender...literally.
[Captain Rachel Black]

The ancient Romans used to brush their teeth with a mixture made out of honey, salt and pieces of crushed glass.

Greek, Medieval, and Renaissance medicine were based on The Four Humours but were priced for the different social stratas according to whether lead silver or gold was added to the same recipe for a disease.
[moira hawthorne]

Femininity: Marsupial females have two vaginas, when hyena females have an extended clitoris called pseudo-penis.

The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was a fad back then to shave them off.

You can make an octopus trap by dressing a hollow coconut in palm leaves and putting something inside it to rattle. When the octopus hears the rattle it will inspect by holding on with its tentacles; then you quickly haul it up before it lets go.
[Evolution X]

Hedda is a Swedish girl's name that means "fight".

traditionally speaking, its considered bad luck to have a singular sparrow tattoo. sparrows should always go in pairs.

Three out of five people cannot detect the sound of electronics while they are on.
[shadow frost wolf]

Beethoven and his family lived in mechelen (my hometown) for a while.Some say he was even born here. Yay!

Some wasps lay their eggs in the paralyzed bodies of caterpillars.

In order for a male praying mantis to ejaculate, he has to have his head bitten off durring sex. This is why the female eats the male after sex.
[The real life Bella Swan]

The closest galaxy to our Milky Way is Andromeda and even traveling at the speed of light , it would take 2 MILLION years to reach it.
[Case Open]

The crazy ressurection of "put down predjudice unless it is on our side" a past statement by Ashley Brilliant. It is now in full blown use by the Polittically Correct and Candidate Obamma.

Every year, on the day of Edgar Allan Poe's death, a mystirious black hooded figure leaves a red rose on his grave.
[Phantom Puppet_Magician]

Both leopards and jaguars are capable of spawning "Black Panthers" into existence, however the jaguar is the one in which it would happen more commonly. The genetic trait to create the "black" on the panther is Dominant in jaguars, as it is recessive in the leopards. Only when both parents in the leopard pairing carry the recessive gene will there be a "black panther" whereas with the jaguar it is possible for two jaguars to have both spotted and "black" cubs.
[shadow of darkness]

The clinical term for the fear of long words is "Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia"

The formal word for hello in Russian can be translated into Chinese to mean, "to beat an old woman with a stick."
[I have left]

Polysistic Ovarian Disease aka Syndrome-X is the female condition that impairs the adrenal gland’s ability to produce estrogen therefore it produces more testosterone to compensate. This heightened level of testosterone causes irregular or lack of menstruation, abnormal hair growth and loss, violent mood swings, an inability to conceive children and make it difficult to loose weight. It was recently discovered that it is caused by drinking from plastic bottles.

Due to a high concentration of vanadium, the blood of sea cucumbers is yellow.

Ants never sleep.
[Nocternity S.]

The ice at fast food joints (such as Wendy's McDonald's and Burker King) has twice the bacteria than your average toilet. I tested this in my lab biology class twice for a project while I was in high school.

Last year the government spent 9 billion dollars on the war against drugs rather than putting the money towards our troops
[Fear the Reaper]

Something Stupid

Turtles can breath through their butts, and use this to there advantage when hiding from predators.

It is impossible to lick your own elbow.
[M.C. criss cross]

The only thing you should safely stick in your ear is your own elbow.
[moira hawthorne]

It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
[SockRockin Spunges.]

You can swallow one pint of blood before vomiting.

It is abnormal to be able to drink a gallon of milk in under 10 min without vomiting.

The ability to smell cyanide is considered a genetic abnormality, and cannot be construed as a positive way to 'break the ice'.

My cat eat up to 50 animals a year but he cant get a mouse!.!.!.!.!.!

Jellygator is love...
[Aidan Aven]

75% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
[The Blood Angel]

The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees.
[Scary Kids Scaring Kayla;]

Richard Nixon liked ketchup on his cottage cheese.

It is discovered that coffee is allmost nothing but good for you!
[Todd van elslande]

Women are the only thing on this planet that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die.
[Hikaru Hitachiin]

Life is sexually transmitted.

sex is not the only thing on a male's mind.
[The "Problem" Child]

The average American annually consumes 23.1 gallons of beer.

Big Bird is a

Never hold your nose and cover your mouth when sneezing, as it can blow out your eyeballs!!!

Adolf Hitler had only one testicle.
the same can be said about alfred hitchcock(director of the birds)[hopscotchnerd]

Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not.

Rats can't puke.

The pope isn't a muslim

Birds cannot burp, and if given an antacid, which causes gas build-up, they explode(I only know this because my brothers did it).

edward cullen is hot [DriDri] lol

Snails have four noses


Other interesting wikis:
- Elftown Academy
- Elftown Archives
- The Town Herald
- Bob's Diner

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2008-08-28 [Mrs Vicious.]: ninja tigers is a feet on its own but underwater... mnnn.

2008-08-28 [Kai Crewger]: it's rather epic *nods*

2008-08-28 [Mrs Vicious.]: indeed!

2008-08-28 [irish kitten]: hi every body

2008-08-29 [Mrs Vicious.]: hi Dr nick!

2008-08-30 [Duke Devlin]: XD Nice.

2008-08-30 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol what like you wouldnt of said the same thing hehe.

2008-08-30 [Duke Devlin]: I would have, yes. :P Had I thought of it. ;)

2008-08-30 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol well it was kinda exoected... i meen... howw could you npot resist hi every body.... Hi Dr nick! its just... bread into my mind to react that way.

2008-08-30 [Duke Devlin]: I understand. XD

2008-08-30 [Mrs Vicious.]: good good.

2008-08-31 [irish kitten]: what ever im leaving this stupid wiki

2008-08-31 [Chimes]: O.o Why the reaction? They weren't being horrible to you, they weren't being horrible in the slightest. O.o;

2008-08-31 [Duke Devlin]: We weren't being horrible at all, [irish kitten]. oO We were simply quoting 'The Simpsons'. oO

2008-08-31 [Mrs Vicious.]: indeed... sheesh, chill pill comes to mind.

2008-08-31 [Duke Devlin]: Quite. *nods*

2008-08-31 [Chimes]: I would have said that... but I don't watch the Simpsons... so I had nooo idea what you were quoting XD I just knew you were quoting.

2008-09-01 [irish kitten]: sorry i wrote that in the wronge wiki... im so sorry

2008-09-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: your forgiven.

2008-09-01 [irish kitten]: hehe thanks

2008-09-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol your welcome.

2008-09-01 [Duke Devlin]: XD Lol it's all good.

2008-09-02 [irish kitten]: haha k!! wow i feel like a bitch now

2008-09-02 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol why?

2008-09-03 [Duke Devlin]: XD Dont'

2008-09-04 [irish kitten]: because i pretty much flipped out on you guys for nutyhing

2008-09-04 [Imperator]: Nuty Hing? OMG! The Chinese General from Xianging has come! Maybe the grand armies of the WAAIC can protect us... *flees*

2008-09-04 [Tingis]: I don't believe the name for phobia of long words :)

2008-09-05 [irish kitten]: haha wow you guys are so funny

2008-09-05 [Duke Devlin]: Wow, Imperator.., that was rather racist. :O

2008-09-06 [Imperator]: *has fled already so sends courier* Courier: Was not!

2008-09-12 [Artsy]: Not as hot as Tom Felton with blond hair. :)

2008-09-12 [Triola]: So very, very much agreed <3

2008-09-12 [princess_ of _darkness]: i found nothing wrong with it

2008-10-21 [Daring Silence]: Actually.....really interesting....!

2008-10-23 [princess_ of _darkness]: agreed ^_^

2008-10-23 [Mrs Vicious.]: deffinataly.

2008-10-23 [Chimes]: Sorry, not meaning any offense... but I have to. *is annoying like that*

2008-10-23 [Mrs Vicious.]: sorry, rather sleepy and isnt paying attention. I APOLOGISE PEOPLE! I had ment definitly.

2008-10-23 [Chimes]: Most people probably aren't bothered. :P I just get a niggling feeling if I don't correct that word...

2008-10-23 [Mrs Vicious.]: its okies. I'd rather apologise to every one incase some one elce picks up on it so I dont have to apologise to them too.

2008-10-23 [Chimes]: Most people leave it after one person has pointed it out.

2008-10-23 [Mrs Vicious.]: okies. makes sence i suppose.

2008-10-27 [Daring Silence]: Now I know to misspell EVERY word possible.

Okays Yooos guyz r bombbb. jk.

2008-10-27 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol wow... I actualy understood that.

2008-11-01 [princess_ of _darkness]: ummm so did i ....creepy

2008-11-01 [Mrs Vicious.]: I concur.

2008-11-03 [Duke Devlin]: Does anything interesting happen here anymore? :P

2008-11-03 [Chimes]: That point is debateable :P

2008-11-03 [Duke Devlin]: *nods* See?

2008-11-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: I HAVE A DUCK!!! random point of randomness.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: I HAVE A ..... CHICKEN! ... Yeah...

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol good come back. hehe not as random as a duck but cool all the same.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: No where NEAR as random! :O ;)

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: nope cos its a duck, I believe that ducks are deffinatly more random than a chicken... hehe.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Most definitely!
Know what else is MOAR random? We have mafia ducks in our college! Don't we Memz?

2008-11-06 [Chimes]: WE DO! :] And they have a groupie.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: The Moor-hen! :D (can't spell :P)

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: ..... Dude Americans come up with the strangest of things... I want a mafia duck!!!

2008-11-06 [Chimes]: ... Americans? Why Americans?

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Eh? Why Americans?
You can't have just ONE Mafia duck, you need to have at least three, or they are not a mafia. They are merely a gangsta duck, or a couple. :P

2008-11-06 [Chimes]: We're British...

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: I know.... ;.;
Sorry XD Had to answer that. :P

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: ahhhh sorry. I keep getting mixed up with other people on here... My duck got licked by Theo.. my son gets everywhere.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: OMFG. :O XD That's awesome. :P

2008-11-06 [Chimes]: How is your son?

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Crap I though you asked me that then. XD

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: He's fine. growing up fast and he now has the ability to climb things.... he's been on the work surface twice already, lord knows how he got up there but he did..I give up with him some times, Ive found him all over the place. He's almoast as bad as his dad.

2008-11-06 [Chimes]: Weph, I'm sorry but your imaginary son doesn't exist :P

Awwwh! Cute. ^^

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Really? ;.; *sniffle-cry*

Also, Awhhhh :D ^^ He sounds adorable. :)

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: whut???? oh the first line isnt for me... is it?

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeah he ish cute...

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Heheh nope it wasn't. XD

:D:D:D Little boys are so cute. :) ^^

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: So cute but i must tell you there awkword to look after.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Hehe I should imagine. :D The most I have done is babysit one. :P

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: Yeah, but the best thing is when there sleeping.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Heheh Yep. XD

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: they make less noise if there asleep.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: XD Definitely. XD Much needed peace and quiet? :P

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: oh yeahhh specialy when he's learning to speek. he's got the basics.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Awhhhhhhhhhh! :D

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol yeah... thing is he's loud... and you realy know when he's in the room. thing is he's gonna be a right woman charmer when he's older.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Awhh :) How do you know? :P

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol becasue he knows when he gets in trouble is he looks at you and tilts his head slightly and puts his hand out its like... awwwwwwwww... its not workin. bed!

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: XD Haha I would most definitely fall for that. :P

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol yeah i would if his father didnt already do some thing familiar. lol You have to have a will of iron not to fall for both of them so I dont fall for it moast the time.

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: Hahha nice. XD Well, good luck handling them if they tag-team you. ;)

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: ohhh theyve tryed.. it didnt work.. but in the end i gave up. when they both give yout he puppy dog eyes and look at you and kinda do the hand thing its like... damn it!!

2008-11-06 [Duke Devlin]: .. Awhhh =] Well, be ready for it next time. ;)

2008-11-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol i will... id still proberbly fall for it. theres only so much cute one woman can take.

2008-11-11 [Duke Devlin]: Yeahhh you speak the truth. X_X

2008-11-11 [Mrs Vicious.]: I do.

2008-11-11 [Duke Devlin]: :D Congratulations. :P

2008-11-11 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol for what?

2008-11-11 [Duke Devlin]: .. EVERYTHING. >=D

2008-11-11 [Mrs Vicious.]: wow... well thank you, hehe. so how are you?

2008-11-11 [Duke Devlin]: I am very well, thank you. :D Yourself? :)_

2008-11-11 [Mrs Vicious.]: Ive been better, Im a bit warn down at the moment but im getting better. :)

2008-11-11 [Duke Devlin]: Awhh :(
Well I am glad you are getting better. ^^

2008-11-11 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeahhhh im getting better.... lol im just wondering if Tom is reading this because he usualy does when he's buisy. hehe.

2008-11-11 [Duke Devlin]: Hahah well... HEY TOM!

2008-11-11 [Evolution X]: Hi hi. ^_^ *waves at everyone*

2008-11-11 [Duke Devlin]: *waves emphatically*

2008-11-11 [Evolution X]: How is everyone?

2008-11-11 [Duke Devlin]: I am well, and yourself?
*awaits others*

2008-11-11 [Evolution X]: Sleepy, off soon. *stretches out straightens my top hat*

2008-11-11 [Duke Devlin]: Same. D:

2008-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: .... hunny why do you have the top hat... never mind. *sighs and goes to sort out Theo*

2008-11-12 [Duke Devlin]: XD Awhh :P

2008-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: wanna hold him?

2008-11-12 [Duke Devlin]: I so do! :O But I can't. :(

2008-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: i ment vertualy. im not exactly going to send him in the post. though.... it gives me an idea.

2008-11-12 [Duke Devlin]: XD You should.. I'll have him. ;) :P
*virtually runs off with Theo* <3

2008-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: *smiles and makes a cuppa tea* lol you might run away with him now bout in about an hour you'll bring him back.. trust me. lol i would post him but the police tend to frown on thet sort of thing.

2008-11-13 [Evolution X]: I'm wearing a top hat because I enjoy a mad mad tea party *puts it softly on cookie and kisses her softly* Thank you... I was very sleepy last night hun.

2008-11-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: HUN!!! *pushes away anbd blushes* my gods dont do that when your not here, youll make me miss you more!!! *pouts* righ tim gonan go before i get kicked for being a person who uses ** and physical stuff.

2008-11-13 [Evolution X]: *chuckles and snuggles you slightly, wagging my tail* Awwwww... hang on hun. *darts off and kicks Duke over, snatching theo back and running to cookie again* Back ^_^ I am gonna be the Mad Hatter!

2008-11-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: ..... mad hatter... lol okies... ogh guess what today is!!!

2008-11-13 [Evolution X]: ummmmmm.... Yes Mad Hatter... Ummm... Children in Need?

2008-11-13 [Chimes]: That's tomorrow.

2008-11-13 [Evolution X]: Ok, what is it hun?

2008-11-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: ITS MY UN-BIRTHDAY!

2008-11-13 [Evolution X]: WOO! *dances around and gives you a cake*

2008-11-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: yey cake!!!

2008-11-16 [Synthetic Roses]: yummy cake

2008-11-16 [Evolution X]: Cake rocks.

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: whats yoru fave flavour cake?

2008-11-16 [Evolution X]: Ummmmm.... cake flavour ^_^

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: ...... sarcastic much?

2008-11-16 [Evolution X]: no... cake ^_^ Also I like victoria sponge

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: ..... your so lucky i cant slap you.

2008-11-16 [Evolution X]: *hides under a rock* What's wrong T^T

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: nothing. im fine. im calm im not angry and THEO FOR F* SAKES GET OF THE DRAWS. brb.

2008-11-16 [Evolution X]: What's wrong hun? *picks theo up and puts him on my shoulders*

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: nothing im fine.

2008-11-16 [Evolution X]: Please hun...

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: im fine hunny don't worry, I was stressed but im fine now. can we not talk about this on here?

2008-11-16 [Evolution X]: Alright...

2008-11-16 [Duke Devlin]: Heyy! I got kicked over. :( *le sigh*

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: what?!!

2008-11-16 [Evolution X]: I tackled him to get Theo back... *scratches under theo's chin*

2008-11-16 [Duke Devlin]: I am a her. :)

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: hunny... Duke devlin wa s awoman last time i checked.

2008-11-16 [Duke Devlin]: Thank you, Mrs Lovett. ^^`

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: your welcome

2008-11-16 [Duke Devlin]: :D

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: so what have you been up to?

2008-11-16 [Duke Devlin]: Eh, not much. College work mostly.

2008-11-16 [Evolution X]: Sorry... >_> I didn't know... also NO STEALING BABIES!

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: i said she could hold him... i dont mind if she takes him for a while cos in an hour she'd want to give him back. same thing you have hehe.

2008-11-16 [Evolution X]: Yes.. you said but I didn't want theo gone.. T^T

2008-11-16 [Duke Devlin]: Awhh :) Well that's all fine and cute. :D

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol hun it was only a joke. men when it comes to cuddling the kids they dont want to put them down but when it starts crying and needs changing who do they hand it to?... me!

2008-11-16 [Duke Devlin]: Awhhh :( *tackle-glomp*

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: *flails and stays standing* hehe.

2008-11-16 [Duke Devlin]: :D

2008-11-16 [Mrs Vicious.]: rofl

2008-11-17 [Evolution X]: I do the changing sometimes... but you love all that motherly stuff *kisses cookie's cheek and snuggles Theo tight*

2008-11-17 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol i know. hehe.

2008-12-13 [irish kitten]: hey!!! how are you guys?

2008-12-13 [Evolution X]: I'm good

2008-12-18 [irish kitten]: lol thats good!!

2008-12-18 [Evolution X]: Yush!

2008-12-20 [Mrs Vicious.]: SUP?

2008-12-20 [Evolution X]: Nuthing

2008-12-20 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol kk

2008-12-24 [irish kitten]: lol wow?

2008-12-24 [Evolution X]:


or appropriate holiday of your choice

2008-12-24 [Mrs Vicious.]: hehe.

2008-12-24 [irish kitten]: lol merry christmas everybody!!! *hugs*

2008-12-24 [Mrs Vicious.]: i gets a hug!

2008-12-25 [irish kitten]: lol yes you do!!!!!!

2008-12-26 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeys!!!

2008-12-26 [irish kitten]: lol

2008-12-26 [Mrs Vicious.]: you gets a hug too *huggles*

2008-12-27 [irish kitten]: lol yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay *huggels back**

2008-12-27 [Mrs Vicious.]: hehe yeys comunal huggles!

2008-12-28 [Duke Devlin]: Someone message me if something interesting appears here..

2008-12-29 [princess_ of _darkness]: everything that happens here is interesting!!! ^_^

2009-01-04 [irish kitten]: lol and guess what i did this friday?!?

2009-01-04 [Evolution X]: ummmmm..... dunno

2009-01-06 [irish kitten]: i broke my ankle... :( :'(

2009-01-06 [Evolution X]: awwwwwww...

2009-01-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: not cool. but kinda cool.. do you have a cast?

2009-02-13 [irish kitten]: yeah.. and no i dont..

2009-02-13 [Mrs Vicious.]: awww.

2009-02-14 [irish kitten]: yeah.. htey put it in a wrap and put me on crutchs

2009-02-14 [Mrs Vicious.]: aww that sucks

2009-02-21 [princess_ of _darkness]: you should ask for a cast ^_^

2009-02-21 [Mrs Vicious.]: indeed! i concur.

2009-02-21 [Avatar15]: [M.C. criss cross]: My friend is double jointed and he can lick his elbow rather easily. :0

2009-02-21 [Mrs Vicious.]: now thats interesting.

2009-02-21 [Avatar15]: I thought so too when I first saw him do it. I too thought it was impossible until he showed me.

2009-02-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: its oen of those.. wow... ergh... wow.. moments. your not sure wether to gasp or gipp.

2009-02-22 [Avatar15]: I was fascinated. xD;;

2009-02-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: i bet i would be if i saw it.. im strange like that. though im sure its a sight to see if yrou not.... egnore my ramblings

2009-02-22 [Avatar15]: My friend is... A rather strange individual. Haha. :) I've known him for 5 years now, I'm quite used to his strangeness by now. But yes. I thought I'd toss that elbow fact out there. :0

2009-02-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: Ah I know a few strange individuals myself. I am one in my own right. strangeness never seases to amaze.

2009-03-02 [irish kitten]: lol wow!!

2009-08-08 [princess_ of _darkness]: every one is strange lol no one has the same   ks as everyone else....

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